Where to Repair your iPhone Screen in Brisbane or Sydney

Yep, we’ve all done it.  And it’s usually at the least convenient moment too, just as you’re about to head out the door to meet friends and want to call them to let them know you’re on your way and will be there in ten, or you want to punch the details for the restaurant you’ve never been to into Google maps so you find it easily without driving round the block six times.


Yep, we’ve all done it.  And it’s usually at the least convenient moment too, just as you’re about to head out the door to meet friends and want to call them to let them know you’re on your way and will be there in ten, or you want to punch the details for the restaurant you’ve never been to into Google maps so you find it easily without driving round the block six times.

Well, after the phone slides out of your hand and does the triple bounce on the deck or the hard smackdown onto the tiled porch, you just know that you’re in trouble!

Sometimes we’re pleasantly surprised with a minor scuff, small chip or crack or even that the wafer thin glass screen protector might have absorbed the brunt of the impact. 

But other times…that screen is smashed and there isn’t going to be any google maps or tappity tap for you my friend!  

Cue, all the mothertrucking swear words you can think of and get that off your chest.  

Once the swearathon is complete, borrow your buddies phone and grab the address for Screenfixed as they are one of the most highly rated and consistently performing iphone repair business in Brisbane and Sydney.

With screen repairs for an iPhone SE 2020 coming in at $119, their professionally trained technicians are able to turn around your iPhone repair in between 20 and 40 minutes.

After having to call Apple support to book an appointment at the Apple Genius Bar recently for a battery replacement, I know that this turnaround time is excellent.  By the time I got my appointment and then went through all the chat and confirming details, I was already an hour down.  Another 90mins later and I had my phone back, but it wasn’t the way I wanted to spend my morning!  Fast delivery and good pricing is what I’m all about when it comes to screen or battery replacements for my phone, so Apple isn’t likely to be my first port of call next time. I’ll leave it to the fanboys and fangirls.

Not only do Screenfixed deal with battery and screen replacements for the iPhone, they also are able to replace batteries and screens for a range of Apple products, including laptops, iPads, iPad Minis, watches, and if you’ve been unlucky enough to drop your phone in water then they’ll will also be able to help you out with water damage repairs.  As with most of these things though, get in touch with them ASAP so damage can be minimised and repair or remediation work can start promptly.

I’ve mentioned Apple a load previously, but that’s because of where my (sometimes misguided) heart lays.  Yes, I’m an Apple devotee, but know that some of you worship at the altar of Samsung, so you’ll be glad to know that as well as offering the best iPhone Repairs Brisbane, Screenfixed also can replace screens and batteries for all the devices in the Samsung range.

Whatever mishap you’ve encountered with your device, Screenfixed will be sure to get your device back to you promptly, accompanied by an industry leading warranty.